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A Guide To Coach House Insurance Quotes


Insuring a coach house requires a specialist policy – this is because they are usually freehold properties, with leasehold garages forming part of the building, which all needs to be insured as one structure.

You must make sure all of your quotes specify your property as a coach house, simply telling an agent in a huge call centre there are garages to cover, and them telling you ‘it will be ok’ – does not mean you are insured. What matters is that the Insurance Company covers freehold properties which include leasehold garages/carports etc – and will insure all of your legal liabilities as a Coach House. This is about what their policy factually includes – not what a telephone sales person tells you it does.

A very basic, and you may think obvious indication, and way of checking, is to check your property is specified as ‘Coach House’ on the insurance quote. Do not accept any policy documents that states Detached House, Flat/Maisonette – because that is not a Coach House with leasehold garages/carports. You wouldn’t insure a Ford Fiesta and expect that to cover a BMW would you? It is the same principle.

Coach House Insurance quotes should not be more expensive that ordinary home insurance, so please do not worry – use a Coach House Insurance specialist – not an Insurer that is doing it as a one off – as they will rate the risk higher and therefore add a percentage to the premium to cover off their added risk/administration. Don’t use the butchers to buy bread!

Your quote should be issued by an experienced advisor who can offer you simple advice and guidance surround your responsibility as a freeholder/leaseholder, someone who understands the nature of the product, and can offer specific Coach House Insurance Quotes – offering you all of your options and a choice of quotes and providers.


Home Shield Insurance is a trading style of The Right Broker Limited an appointed representative of The Right Mortgage Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The Right Broker Limited. Registered address: 70 St Johns Court, St Johns Close, Knowle, Solihull, B93 0NH. Registered in England and Wales. Company no: 09656290.


The guidance contained within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore primarily targeted at consumers based in the UK

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